By Cindy Dwi Juliastuti
Agency: State Islamic University of North Sumatra
NATIONAL MEDIA TORCH JUSTICE | Monday, (08/10-2020) - In early 2020, the world was shocked by the outbreak of a new virus, namely a new type of coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) and its disease called Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19). The virus first appeared in Wuhan, China. Until now almost all countries in the world have contracted this virus.
Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) has been declared by WHO as a pandemic and the Government of Indonesia based on Presidential Decree No. 11 of 2020 on The Determination of Public Health Emergency Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) which must be handled or countermeasures
Various actions and policies are taken by the Government to be able to break the chain of spread of this virus. Starting from socialization efforts, the application of social distancing to the establishment of the law as the legal basis of enforcement. The COVID-19 pandemic not only threatens physical health, but also threatens people's mental health. Not only anxiety, fear, because the psychological effects caused can also have a serious impact.
The COVID-19 pandemic does make many people worry even to experience stress disorders, not least in pregnant women. Though stress disorders experienced by pregnant women can have a bad effect on the baby in the womb. Then, what is the solution in preventing stress disorders in pregnant women during the COVID-19 pandemic?
Reporting from Pregnancy, Birth, and Baby, so far there is no evidence that pregnant women are at greater risk of COVID-19. However, pregnant women are very likely to get respiratory diseases that can lead to serious complications if left untreated. Therefore, pregnant women need to anticipate the transmission of COVID-19 to avoid this.
When worrying about it, pregnant women are sometimes stressed to tend not to taste tasteful eating and difficulty sleeping. It's certainly not good for his health. For that, pregnant women need to prevent stress during the COVID-19 pandemic. Here are the tips:
1. Implement the Health Protocol.
During the COVID-19 pandemic pregnant women should pay attention to the safety and health of themselves and the baby in the womb. The most basic thing that can be done by pregnant women is to apply health protocols, namely by diligently washing hands, using masks, avoid touching the nose, eyes and mouth, apply the correct cough ethics and keep their distance and avoid crowds.
2. Draw near to the Almighty God
In the current COVID-19 pandemic, pregnant women must increase worship to get closer to God. This is done as an effort to strengthen spiritually for pregnant women and prospective babies. Like pregnant women who diligently perform Salat, for pregnant women prayer not only stimulates the growth of happiness in the heart, but also can provide therapists for pregnant women and children in the womb.
3. Avoid Reading News About the COVID-19 Pandemic Excessively
During the COVID-19 pandemic, pregnant women also need to get the latest information and news about COVID-19. This is to clarify information about COVID-19 that is not true and as a form of anticipation of transmission. However, pregnant women also need to limit seeing the information so as not to become stressed. At least read the news about COVID-19 once a day in the morning or before dinner.
4. Limit Social Media Use
Information and discussions about COVID-19 are widely spread on social media. Therefore, pregnant women need to limit the use of this social media. Continuously discussing about COVID-19 during this pandemic can actually make pregnant women panic, upset, and end up in stress. Change the subject when using social media.
5. Keep a Relationship with Friends or Relatives
Maintaining friendship with friends and family can relieve boredom and prevent stress disorders, including in pregnant women. Despite being socially distancing due to the COVID-19 pandemic, pregnant women can still stay connected with friends or family via phone or video call.
6. Strive for Adequate Sleep
Pregnant women when experiencing difficulty sleeping is common, because of body changes that occur. However, lack of sleep in pregnant women can harm themselves and the baby in the womb. Therefore, pregnant women need to get enough sleep to stay healthy and avoid stress, including during the COVID-19 pandemic. To get enough sleep, pregnant women need to sleep on time and reduce looking at cell phones before going to bed.
7. Maintain a Regular Diet and Exercise
No less important for pregnant women to stay healthy is eating nutritious food and regular exercise. With a healthy body, the mental health of pregnant women will be maintained.
8. Do positive hobbies and activities
Feeling happy is the main key to avoiding stress. One of getting happiness is by doing things that are liked or hobbies and are of positive value. Even at home, pregnant women should still do their hobbies, such as playing musical instruments, reading, cooking or other things that can make pregnant women feel happy. Pregnant women can also start decorating the nursery during social distancing of the COVID-19 pandemic so as not to experience stress.
Pregnant women can also do meditation to prevent stress during the COVID-19 pandemic. Take a deep breath and slowly through your nose and let your shoulders feel relaxed. In addition, pregnant women can also take yoga classes online. By taking this kind of class, mother hsmil can meet with other pregnant women.
Name: Cindy Dwi Juliastuti
Faculty: Da'wah and Communication
Department: Islamic Extension Guidance-B
Agency: State Islamic University of North Sumatra
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