Saturday, January 29, 2022

Tips to Deal with Stress Before Giving Birth | Healthy Description

Tips to overcome stress before giving birth need to be known by mothers who are pregnant so that the labor process runs well. By the time the gestational age has reached the third trimester or the final months leading up to pregnancy, usually pregnant women begin to be restless or stressed because they imagine how the labor process will be done later. Not to mention the thoughts that are in her mind such as whether giving birth is sick, how the safety of the baby and her or thinking about the bad circumstances that will befall her and her child, although it is natural experienced by all pregnant women but if the condition is allowed to grow it will trigger stress at the time of delivery. Stress at the time of delivery can certainly inhibit the labor process that can actually endanger the safety of the mother and also the baby. Stress Before Childbirth (©Parenting Journals)

Pregnancy to childbirth can be said to be an emotional time for women. Changes in the physical shape of the body and hormones cause women at this time to have high emotions, more sensitive and unstable. If the feeling of stress is not overcome properly it will have a bad impact on the fetus it contains until the delivery process later. Many cases of miscarriage, premature birth, birth defects triggered due to stress experienced by pregnant women or breast milk released by the mother after childbirth is not smooth. Even a study revealed that a child born with a stressful mother condition can make the child have high stress hormones so that the child is very sensitive to depression.

There are many causes that can trigger the onset of stress pregnant women before giving birth such as:

1. Excessive anxiety and worry when going into labor, especially for mothers who do not really understand how to give birth.
2. Thinking about the safety of himself and the baby he will be born often triggers stress in the mother, especially if the baby he will be born has had his own problems since being in the womb.
3. Cost constraints are also often used as a reason for the emergence of stress. When giving birth, of course, there are not many costs incurred, there are many needs that must be prepared. In addition, with the emergence of new individuals in their families, of course, the cost of living that comes out also increases so that this triggers high stress for a mother.
4. Unwanted pregnancy can also be the highest stress trigger for pregnant women. There are many reasons that a person does not want the child to be born, especially if the pregnancy is the result of sin.
5. Lack of attention and support of husband and family can also be a cause of stress before giving birth. Giving birth is the most thrilling time for women in the world, and at this time it takes the help of the husband and the family, but if it does not exist, then the spirit and motivation will be reduced which will eventually make things worse in her heart.

In addition to the factors that cause stress above, there are many other factors that affect emotions and stress experienced before giving birth. After knowing what causes stress before giving birth, then how to reduce these feelings so as not to grow into severe stress then here are 6 tips to overcome stress before giving birth:

1. Check your condition and the fetus regularly to the doctor or midwife at the beginning of pregnancy. By routinely checking your pregnancy and consulting a doctor or midwife, of course you can relieve stress on you. Usually the doctor or midwife will give input and advice related to the condition of the baby in the womb so you know what to do.

2. Looking for information about the labor process can also help overcome stress before giving birth. This information can be obtained from various sources such as magazines, internet, seminars, guidebooks, caseste or ask directly with a doctor. This information can certainly make you better prepared to face the labor process.

3. Dampingan and support of those closest to him, especially the husband is also a stress medicine for mothers who will experience labor. The appearance of stress in pregnant women is caused by psychological factors that are sourced from themselves and the surrounding environment. If a mother feels her heart is happy then automatically the stess can be reduced especially during childbirth is the most thrilling moments of a woman's life because at this time a woman must fight for two lives at once. Well that's why accompany and accompany your wife during the labor process.

4. Listening to music or chanting the Holy Qur'an can also be one of the solutions to overcome stress before giving birth. Try listening to music or if you are a Muslim, you can also try to listen to the chanting of Verses of the Qur'an because the melody removed from music and the Qur'an can relieve stress and also calm the heart, besides often listening to music and chanting the Qur'an can also stimulate the intelligence of the baby.

5. Relaxation exercises before giving birth can also help overcome stress. Relaxation exercises that can be done such as deep breathing exercises, progressive muscle relaxation and also meditation. These exercises can make you feel more calm and relaxed.

6. Avoid bad thoughts about giving birth. Maybe at the time you will give birth to many mystical and creepy stories about giving birth either sourced from family myths or from the experience of friends. But assume these stories are just information and don't think about it because fear can actually slow down the labor process.

Also read:
What needs to be prepared ahead of delivery?
The role of the husband during the pregnancy of the wife
Healthy food for pregnant women

These are the tips to overcome stress before giving birth. In essence, anxiety, worry and fear arise from within yourself, so to overcome it make yourself happy and always pray and surrender then automatically the stress will decrease (Healthy Description).



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