Saturday, February 5, 2022

Coping with Stress With Color Therapy • Hello Healthy

Lately, coloring books are being favored by all ages as the most fun way to cope with stress-related conditions, such as insomnia, depression, restlessness, asthma, behavioral disorders, and others. You can choose your favorite colors to color a particular pattern or image and create an interesting image.

But did you know that color has long been used as a therapy to overcome various health problems? The influence of color on the human body and mind

  • Color is one of the language of the soul. Research shows that color encourages interactions that language lacks.
  • Color affects the perception of distance (light colors make the place look large, high ceilings look reduced in height when given dark colors, and others).
  • Not everyone and culture have the same understanding of color.
  • Color affects the energy in the body. If you pass through the body check system at the airport, the screen shows the color of your chakras. Color is also associated with biological attraction.

So, what's your favorite color? Questions like this are often asked by psychiatrists to understand and determine a person's character based on their favorite color. Answers may vary depending on each individual and are related to health and well-being.

If you're experiencing some physical and emotional impairment, and need to balance the body's chakra system or natural energy center, chromotherapy or color therapy can be one of the healing methods. Color affects mood, because color has a certain wavelength and energy. How does color therapy work?

Thousands of years ago, ancient cultures in Egypt, China and India, built large rooms where patients were bathed in light filtered through several colored panes or glass windows. It is believed to restore a body that is tired and has diseases. Now, the method still exists to cure adults as well as children with reading difficulties.

Doctors believe that color helps adjust emotionally, physically, and mentally. Modern color therapists often combine this method with other techniques, such as aromatherapy, crystals, massage, yoga, and others. Color classification that can relieve stress and disease

  • Red. Red is a symbol of fire, anger, and love. Red stimulates the roots of chakra, at the base of the spine. The color red causes hemoglobin to increase, both for people with anemia and conditions related to blood. Do not treat cancer with red because this color can stimulate cell growth.
  • Orange. The orange color stimulates the sacred chakra, a symbol of good luck. Orange stimulates creativity and enthusiasm. Orange affects the digestive system, increases thyroid activity, and relieves cramps and muscle spasms.
  • Yellow. The yellow color strengthens the nerves and mind. Yellow works on stomach conditions, liver, diabetes, and helps repair wound tissue.
  • Green. Known as the color of nature. The green color stimulates the heart chakra, and is also used to cure conditions such as fever, flu, ulcers, improve visualization, strengthen the immune system as well as build muscles, bones and cells.
  • Blue. Related to the throat chakra. It is a symbol of cool and calming. Blue color can help overcome fever, headache, high blood pressure, asthma, as well as relieve inflammation (anti-itch, anti-stress).
  • Indigo. This color helps overcome mental disorders, as well as stimulates the brow chakra that regulates physical and spiritual perception.
  • Purple. The color of meditation, slows down the overactive heart, stimulates immunity, cures insomnia, and helps detoxify.
  • How do coloring books cope with stress?

    Coloring books are color therapy methods associated with art therapy. Many therapists feel significant improvement in patients through art therapy. Research shows that art therapy helps women with cancer reduce symptoms of emotional stress. In addition to gemstones, crystals, and other color therapy mediums, coloring books are one of the favorite mediums for color therapy and art.

    Coloring books can help you focus and help relax thoughts as well as release negative thoughts through color and form. In addition, research by neuropsychologist Dr. Stand Rodski who is also the author of a coloring book, mentions that extraordinary things happen to heart rate and brain waves when coloring. This is a good sign that therapy can help get benefits like meditation.


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    Hello Health Group does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.



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