Friday, January 14, 2022


A.    Background

Life is essentially a continuous process of change or a continuous series of developments from birth to death. So the development will be experienced by each individual. Every development contains the understanding of a process leading to a problem and maturity that includes its physical, spiritual and social aspects. When an individual has reached a period of trouble, both physical, psychic and social aspects, which can generally be achieved in adolescence - adulthood, then the next period is the stage of steadiness and for the next is the period of decline.

Getting old is a process that is part of a person's life, and has been happening since conception in the womb that continues throughout life. Advanced age contains the notion of progressive changes in organisms that have reached a problem, these changes are general and irreversible (can not return).

Menopause is a symptom in a woman's life characterized by the cessation of the menstrual cycle. Menopause is a natural phase in every woman's life that marks the end of the fertile period. Menopause as well as menarche and pregnancy are considered very meaningful events for a woman's life. Menarche in adolescent girls, indicates the beginning of the production of the hormone estrogen, while menopause occurs because the ovaries do not produce or do not produce the hormone estrogen.

In line with the process of chairmanship that must be experienced by everyone, there is also a deterioration of the function of the body's organs including one of the female reproductive organs, namely the ovaries. Impaired ovarian function leads to reduced production of the hormone estrogen, and this will lead to some decrease or disruption of the physical-biological aspect. In some women, the appearance of symptoms or physical disorders as a result of the cessation of production of the hormone estrogen, will also affect the psychological, and social condition.

B.     Purpose

1. Know the definition of menopause

2. Know the types of menopausal disorders

3. Know the process of menopause disorders

4. Know how to cope with menopause disorders

A.    Definition of Menopause

According to Mappiare (1983), menopause is a cessation of mastural function, which takes place during the period of climacterium in women that includes emotional changes that simultaneously occur.

According to Rivlin (1982), menopause is an inescapable fact in middle-aged life that causes psychic symptoms such as: depression, anxiety, and emotional instability.

According to Andrianto (1985), Menopause is a process of receding menstruation that does not take place drastically but slowly, which causes anxiety and fear and it makes the loss of attraction that has been lost.

Menopause is the physiological cessation of the menstrual cycle related to the advanced age of women. A woman going through natural menopause can't tell if a certain period is really her last period until a year has passed.

Menopause is a sign of the cessation of normal reproductive elbows or cessation of the menstrual cycle of a woman and in particular occurs between the ages of 45 -55 years because the production and function of female hormones to regulate menstruation decreases naturally. However, menopause can also occur at a younger age due to disease or surgical removal of the uterus or ovaries.

Menopause can occur because the ovaries secrete fewer estrogen substances, run out of eggs and become less responsive to the hormone FSH. At first the pituitary gland makes more FSH, to try to maintain normal estrogen levels, still eventually it is unable.

Decreased estrogen levels, causing irregular menstrual periods, and this can be used as a clue to the occurrence of menopause.  There are three periods of menopause:

1. Klimakterium, which is a time of diversion between the reproductive period and the art period. Usually this period is called jga with premenopause.

2. Menopause, is the time of the last period, and when after menopause is called post menopause.

3. Senium, is the period after post menopause, which is when the individual has been able to adjust to his condition, so as not to experience physical disorders

B.     Menopausal Disorders

Menopause is not a disease, but an unavoidable stage in a woman's life. Many women with menopause do not experience symptoms, but many also experience very striking symptoms. Some of the symptoms of menopause are:

  • Decrease in the number and length of the menstrual cycle.
  • The frequency of abnormal constructation (possibly with excessive bleeding) or simply droplets.
  • Menopause as a result of loss of ovarian function and reduced hormones can cause changes in body systems including:

a) The reproductive system; experiencing shrinkage of the external genitalia and fat loss under the skin, shrinkage of the labia, shrinkage of the vaginal mucosa, vaginal tissue experiencing shrinking, vaginal itch and discharge, dryness of the vagina is very severe and pain during intercourse due to reduced vaginal lubricant, shrinkage of the ovaries and ducts, the pelvis undergoes progressive relaxation due to estrogen loss that causes the supporting structure to lose its tone.

b) Urinary system, inflamed bladder as a result of decreased estrogen, pain when urinating, often and always want to urinate.

c) Breasts have a shrinkage in size.

d) Loss of libido or desire for sex.

e) Skin, hair and nails, skin elasticity and sup suplanency decrease (due to estrogen loss) pubic and armpit hair begins to fall out.

f) Nervous system; sweat at night and feel hot, vertigo, tired, pulse increases, short breath, ringing ears, emotional abnormalities (irritability, nervousness, grumpy and speech becomes latah), increasing depression, anxiety, compulsive maniac and schizopreni.

There are women who experience emotional disorders - psychology when facing and going through menopause. But that does not mean that all women at times experience emotional disorders, because actually how the individual responds to an event is largely determined by his personality factors, especially how he or she initiates or assesses the event. It is easy whether or not a person experiences emotional disorders related to the occurrence of physical changes experienced, among others depending on his personality, lifestyle, mental and physical health conditions as a whole, personal problems experienced, psychosocial environmental conditions that cause stress.

Some of the psychological complaints that are signs and symptoms of menopause are:

a.       Memory Decline

This gelaja is seen that before menopause women can remember easily, but after experiencing menopause there is a deterioration in remembering, even often forget about simple things, whereas previously automatically remembered immediately.

Many mothers complain that after menopause and the elderly feel squeezed. Anxiety is often associated with worry in the face of situations that were never feared before. For example, if it used to be used to go alone out of town alone, but now feel anxious and worried, it is often also reinforced by the prohibition of his children. Anxiety in elderly mothers who have menopause is generally relative, meaning that there are people who are anxious and can calm down again, after getting encouragement / support from the people around them; But there are also those who are constantly anxious, even though the people around him have given support. However, many mothers also go through menopause but do not experience significant changes in their lives. Menopause is apparently similar or similar to puberty experienced by a teenager as the beginning of the functioning of reproductive tools, where there are teenagers who are anxious, some are worried but there are also mediocre so as not to cause turmoil.



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