Thursday, January 6, 2022


In today's highly competitive environment, students face more pressure than ever before – be it related to study, exams, peers, teachers or parental pressure. Researchers have found that perceptions of high levels of stress in students can lead to poor academic performance, depression, attrition, and serious health problems. The topic of stress among students or college students has been the subject of many studies over the years.

Researchers have documented that perceived stress levels are high in nursing students. Fazaila Sabih et al, suggest there are gender differences in perception of stress among students. Female students showed more physiological and emotional responses than male students. Student life in college is always full of challenges. According to Hammer, Grigsby and Woods, students in college often find their academic lives stressful and demanding. Student life in today's modern era is not as simple as most people may experience because their stress is not only limited to their studies but can come from various sources such as health, finance, academic and romantic relationships. Coping refers to ways of dealing with stressful and distressing circumstances. Excessive stress can damage the academic achievement of students and students who consider their stress levels very high often become depressed. Stress and the identification of potential stressors among nursing students has received a lot of attention in the literature. Nursing students have the same academic stressors as other students, such as midterms and final exams, research papers and other assignments.

In addition, nursing students experience a clinical component, which is very stressful. Students have a lot of preparatory work before their clinical assignments. The general purpose of the study was to measure stressors, stress levels and coping between nursing students and assistant medics and relationships. Coping refers to ways of dealing with stressful and distressing circumstances. Excessive stress can damage the academic achievement of students and students who consider their stress levels very high often become depressed.

Stress and the identification of potential stressors among nursing students has received a lot of attention in the literature. Nursing students have the same academic stressors as other students, such as midterms and final exams, research papers and other assignments.

Walton, found that nursing students suffered from long study hours, many assignments, lack of free time, lack of timely feedback and lack of faculty response to students' needs. Students in Grade 1 are beginner students. A number of students expressed stress and were loaded with work. Most of the students moved out of the house for the first time. Students may need to develop entirely new social contacts. Bolden, however, found that due to rising cases of depression, stress and anxiety, and substance abuse problems among community students, personal counseling programs are needed, as well as trained professional counselors who can manage and assist in this increased caseload.

At johor bahru's Allied Health Science College, there have been incidents of cigarettes, alcohol and drugs found in students' property. These items are not found in certain students but in college rooms and halls. A cross sectional quantitative descriptive survey method was adopted to obtain information about academic stress, stress levels and coping strategies. The population research locations involved are all students semester 1 semester 1 nursing and student assistant medical officers. In this study, all 1st Grade 1 Semester 1 students, nursing students and assistant medical officers were included in the study. Three self-administered questionnaires were used to identify various academic stress, stress levels and coping strategies.

The Ways of Coping Questionnaire is a multi-dimensional measure that identifies and measures the processes people use in dealing with stressful situations. The 66 items cover a wide range of cognitive and behavioral strategies that people report that they use to handle internal or external demands in stressful situations.

Letters of approval from the director of the college and letters of approval from participants are made to semester coordinators and program chairmen. Summary of respondents' demographic variables for two groups of students. Average student assistant medical officer scores the average score of nursing students showed that they scored highest in peer stress and lowest in stress from outcomes. However, researchers want to emphasize that exam results may have lower grade points of average because during data collection, students have only taken formative exams once and have received results that account for 10% of overall performance per semester. The highest and lowest mean scores are the same for student assistant medics. The average score of the overall nurse was 2.47 compared to the student assistant medic who had 2.43. This average score shows that the level of stress between the two categories is almost the same. Overall, in all constructs nursing students had a higher average except for self-inflicted stress whereby, student assistant medical officers scored higher. The highest average was peer stress for both categories of students. 125 6.00 26.00 19.48 3.68 20.000 20.00. Nursing students have a minimum score of 6 which falls into a very low category. The lowest stress levels of student assistant medics were 10 which were below average. Keep in mind that almost all students have high stress level scores that indicate they are indeed stressed.

This is interpreting because there are relative differences among students. There was no significant correlation between stress levels and coping between the two groups of students. Stress levels among students are high. Effective coping skills can reduce academic stress among students. It should be noted that 29 years is extreme data obtained from only 1 respondent, which is 29 years old. In addition, the same demographics illustrate that the data obtained comes from homogeneous samples so that there are no differences between groups.

The results showed that college students reported high levels of stress overall and used more coping strategies focused on emotions. Several variations between schools, men and women and years of study were noted. Previous research has found that perceived stress tends to increase during the academic year of nursing college freshmen and can have a major effect on students' physical and emotional health. Chang found that perceived stress was partly responsible for variations in depressive symptoms and life satisfaction scores in college students. Higher perceived stress levels were also correlated with increased feelings of anger and a decreased likelihood of controlling their anger in college students. Increased perceived stress has also been shown to be positively correlated with the symptoms of physical illness of first-semester student nurses.



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