Musni Umar Speaker of Prevention and Handling of Domestic Violence July 4, 2012, PMP North Jakarta</p>
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Musni Umar Source of Prevention and Handling of KDRT July 4, 2012, PMP North Jakarta
Domestic Violence (KDRT) has been a trend of people's lives since long ago until now. Domestic violence occurs in all levels of society, the lower classes and the most. Lower (lower and lower-lower class), middle class (middle class) and upper class (high class).
The results of the 2006 Violence against Women and Children survey by BPS and the Ministry of State Women Empowerment stated that as many as 51.1 percent of domestic violence perpetrators are husbands, 11.7 percent of parents / in-laws, children / grandchildren, and families); 19.6 percent of neighbors, 2.5 percent of employers/employers, 2.9 percent of co-workers, 0.2 percent of teachers, and 8.0 percent of other perpetrators (BPS source, 2000: 24)
Domestic Violence according to article 1 point 1 of Law No. 23 of 2004 on the Elimination of Domestic Violence is any act against a person, especially women, resulting in the onset of physical, sexual, psychological, and/or domestic neglect including threats to commit acts, coercion, or unlawful deprivation of liberty within the household sphere.
The understanding of domestic violence is very broad but in essence causes the suffering of pisik and non-pisik to the wife and child. Suffering will cause long misery, and this is experienced by women who are wives and children and families.
Victims of domestic violence in addition to women (wives), as well as children. To provide protection to children, the Dpr and the Government passed Law No. 23 of 2002 on Child Protection.
In this Law, the child is a person who is not yet 18 (eighteen) years old, including a child who is still in the womb (Article 1).
Child protection is all activities to ensure and protect children and their rights in order to live, grow, develop, and participate, optimally in accordance with the dignity and dignity of humanity and get protection from violence and discrimination (Article 2).
Domestic violence (KDRT) causes many factors.
First, it can be a combination of many problems, such as economic, social, child, and so on. Second, the economy. Third, education and faith. Fourth, politics. Fifth, armed conflict.
The dominant factor that causes domestic violence is the economy. In this case, at least divided into two groups that become perpetrators and victims of domestic violence. First, they've established their economy. Second, the poor.
Those who are already established economically, can also do KDRT. The causes can be various such as already having a girlfriend or mistress. In addition, the husband and wife are busy, the child then does not get attention, so involved in free association and drugs. As a result, the husband did KDRT to the wife as an expression of annoyance.
In the lower society, domestic violence is carried out in general because of economic difficulties. Husband or wife do domestic violence to vent depression or stress due to economic pressures. Domestic violence due to economic pressures, many of which lead to death. The father killed his son and wife, then killed himself.
Victims of domestic violence in general experience stress, and depression. In addition, domestic violence victims are also scared, and traumatized.
Not only that, domestic violence victims are usually afraid to meet the perpetrator so that communication breaks between the victim and the perpetrator. physical disabilities, or end up in divorce.
Domestic violence perpetrators when the case is revealed and reported, usually arises regret, shame, sense of punishment. Some apologize and repent, but also not infrequently choose by way of divorce.
There is a saying, preventing is better than cure. So in the case of KDRT, it is very important to do prevention before the KDRT occurs.
The tips to prevent the occurrence of KDRT include:
1) The family is obliged to practice religious teachings. The father shall be a priest to his wife, children and family, and the mother priest for the children and in arranging household affairs.
2) Reciprocal communication between husband, wife and children must be developed.
3) The wife is obliged to educate children since childhood, if angry do not hit and say rude.
4) If there is a problem it must be solved by dialogue.
5) In the event of a serious argument, one or both should ask the person in charge to mediate.
In terms of early prevention of domestic violence, mothers as wives and mothers of children, can early play a role in preventing domestic violence through enlightenment and awareness to their children.
In addition, mass organizations such as the PKK can play a role in socializing the importance of building a good household, mawaddah (loving) wa rahmah (loving).
In this life, it is not uncommon to experience the completely unwanted. There is a saying "profit cannot be achieved, unfortunate cannot be denied", which means that our life is the secret of God, profit and misfortune often come suddenly unexpectedly.
Facing the problem of domestic violence, then there is an important saying we live "Before death abstains". That is, life and death are determined by God, so do not be too afraid to face problems because people will not die as soon as death. Therefore, keep trying until the point of final blood.
If domestic violence occurs, then face and handle:
1) The wife and husband have a dialogue. Both must find a solution to the problem faced to solve the problem that is the cause of domestic violence. If the children have started to raise, invite them to talk to the father, if the KDRT is done by the father (husband).
2) Solve the KDRT problem with a cool head. Find the right time to convey that the KDRT is contrary to state law, religious law, culture and community customs.
3) Report to families who are considered influential who can give a way out of solving the domestic violence problem so that it does not continue to be repeated.
4. If it is severe KDRT like the victim has been injured, then visum is done.
5. Report to the authorities that there has been a KDRT. Reporting to the police is the last act because it can lead to divorce.
KDRT is a problem that often occurs in the household. Therefore, it must be done early prevention. Religious education and practice of religious teachings in the household are the keys to success to prevent the occurrence of domestic violence.
To prevent domestic violence in the household, love and love must be developed. Early. Mothers can play a big role in teaching children at home to love each other and love each other. Likewise, the PKK as an organization can provide constant enlightenment and awareness to women.
Because the main perpetrator of domestic violence in general is the husband, the role of religious leaders, educators, sociologists and scholars, must be at the forefront to continue to voice the importance of the household as the smallest unit in society to be built properly and away from the KDRT. In order to communicate this to the wider community, the role and participation of the media is very important and decisive.
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