The solution that is commonly doneparainformandalammengatasistreskerjaguru women are adjusted with the following experienced compensation:
1.Factor Age difference
Most of the biginforman saidbahwa, to say the workistres that are planned to be differentusia with other teachers is with the other way is with the speech that you respect thetua, who is toulauladanpada the young. In the past the young were often inhibited forward by the other but the youthdajustrumengajaripenguasaanTI (information technology) in the management of the moreenior, they feel in need of each other.
Facing a difference that has a characterberberadihadapiwithsabar, buttapmembimbing and remindingapabilaberprilakumenyimpangdarinorma. The provision ofpujaintrerkadang also needsmanakala facing differences, in order to make each one self-help. It is necessary to have the same as:
"I often guide new teachers in terms of democracy and a good way of teaching. I feel happy when the new teacher is able to inform me. Friends also serve as a place to vent when in trouble. I also have many of the lessons learned fromguruyunior who completedTI in the creation of learning media. But to face the more important one, because it is not easy to be told to be accepted. For example,
in the interview ofjarjargurusenior (old) which is still a traditional-passive trial, and a fair that is not in harmony with KBK, because of the implementation of THEKKMmel more than the maximized given by the teacher so that no one passes".
Fear of being conflictflikakibatmemberimasukanpadapadaguruyangiordirasakanolehsebagainbesarguruyunior, because there is a view ofbahwaguruseniorl more know and complete the condition of the school. They prefer togakalauitubukahalprinsipil, butmeskipundemikianapabilaadapenyynn done by senior teachers and juniors should still be warned.
Differences in character between fellow teachers are natural, but if notdikelola with good, differenceswatakini can causestresd in work. Therefore, to saysistresakibat otherance is not done by being open, open, responsible, mutual care to remind, but if it is not possible to avoiddardarik closer to the mind and raise it. AsdiceritakanolehibuAstaseba variousut:
"Facing a friend who has a strange character, I prefer to avoid after trying to remind. I try to understand the back of the personality of a person so that I consider the words that raise the words of a colleague as a one that is not necessary and should not be included in the heart".
Understanding of personalities is owned by fellow teachers, to avoid the onset of stress and conflict in work. But somembina personality allgurutetap in needseemasaagar has a personality that deserves to be exemplified by the students.
c. Physical condition is not healthy
If the woman who is not teaching first, because it can have an impact
on the service of the lack ofprimapadasiswa. Usually the woman, if the pain is mild still go to work, but whenuagakberatatsakitnyaijinsesamatemanataukeatasan by showing auratdokter. As ning's mother did as follows:
"If it's not abadani, it's going to be said with the end of the case, theseksekantoragardiberisolusi. But if temandejugalagi is a problemlahsayacenderungdiamsaja, do not tell himsakitsaya, then I continue to doasungpamit on theatasankarenasakit, please be able to teach his successor temporarily".
Ning's mother's habit is the same as the attitude of most women, when the first person who will be invited to complain is a teacher who is considered a friend. Because by issuing a complaint of his validity aloneibugurusudah lessrangibeban who thought about how to solve it, who is the author of the timengajarnyaapabila should rest for a while.
d. How to arrange tasks between career and household
Stress that is much dirasakanolehibubekerja is a matter of division of tasks between tuhgas career in schooldantugasiburumahtanggadikerluarga. However, partinformanjustrusudahmembiasakandiri by making akalaprioritas of the work that must be employed.For example, as did the following Rosyid mother:
"So that tomorrow morning is not rushed, in the evening I have tried to prepare the ingredients that will be cooked in the morning, so to be taken to the office that night I have prepared in the taskantor. Thus, the children are assigned the task of menmbantusesuai that can be done, for example, having to heat up the motorcycle, take his sister to school and so on. All is done for office affairs and evenings for the family."
NarratanibuRosyids showbahwaibugururelativelebihteraturd ingaturing timedan
office and house, although the work is complete but all can be done. Andapabila get the work of the office that most of the childrendansuamimembantumengetikkan.Ifterpaksaharusembawak anorexindirumahdikerjakan after the childrentidur.Tugaskarirlebihdidahuluakntanpamelupakantugas household.
e.Ibumengaturpembagiantugas withakdansuami in:
The solidkegiatanibuguruperempuans as a womankarir has made itseringmudahkecapekkandankalausudahcapaekmunculstresdanmudahmarah with the people around her.Sountukmengatasihaltersebutsebagaianbesarinforman dosyaring work with his family and children. As told by Her Majesty's mother as follows:
"If the job is and the personpuksayabiasanya commodifies the work with the children. Pagisuami helps sweep and dry clothes, the child cleans the bed. Sometimes the child helps sweep and wash his clothes, if the help is notsuamiikut helpkerepotanistri. The task of the house is done togetherinaccordance with each other's abilities. The husband cleans thehouse and bathes the child, the big child feeds his sister. Children are trained independently, nyetlika, cook their own fried rice midan".
Condition of motherErnainisangatberuntungkarenaanakdansuamiikutpeduli to helpukerepotannya.Such conditions were not found in all informants hany some of the familyguru women who helped with her child and husband. Most female teachers have female and husbands whose income is smaller than those who have a child. But in the family of women who have children who do-men and earn more thanistrisangatsulit set up cooperation in completing the workpots of households. All household matters are handed over to the mother. There's even a family that's notbantusuamidananak, but
All homework is done by the wife, sister-in-law who is there and the maid if there is one.
F. Strategies for dealing with work stress
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